Sunday, March 14, 2010


diary of a mad caregiver

riding the waves of life

Blog Archive

my addiction

about this blog

The color for 2010 is turquoise {according to pantone} and turquoise happens to be my favorite color! Last year I started {project 365} - a photo a day but after 65 days I stopped. One day my g-daughter asked why I wasn't posting my pictures. "Did you quit?" OUCH! Shocked that she had even noticed I told her I was trying to figure out a better way to post my pics {true but not my only reason} . She seemed satisfied with my answer but I never finished {project 365} although I did keep taking pics! This year I decided to start a separate photo blog. My goal is to capture "turquoise" in creative ways and post one pic a day. More importantly...I am documenting my life in pictures. Pictures of people, places and things that mean the world to me. I am so visual that looking back through these photos opens a flood of memories. Others write that photography is their passion. My family is my passion and being able to preserve these moments is my treasure! I 'm hoping with all this practice to see an improvement in my photo skills after day!

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